Layout and function of HAHN double-stroke gas springs

HAHN double-stroke gas springs have been developed to meet customer-specific requirements when solutions are needed for heavy hatches with a large opening angle. The challenge here is to produce a low start force and a high end force.
The double-stroke gas spring consists of two differently filled pressure tubes, which means that they can cover two different force ranges.
Moving the piston rod in creates a jumping progression that can be adapted very well to the force requirement of the hatch. We as manufacturer of the HAHN double-stroke gas springs, can precisely calculate the force ranges, tune them to each other exactly and thus adapt them to the type of movement requirement.
Find here our support to calculate your double-stroke gas spring.
Every HAHN double-stroke gas spring is available in steel,
V2A (AISI 303/304) and V4A (AISI 316 L/316 Ti)
Stainless steel V2A (AISI 304)
Stainless V4A (AISI 316)